Weed Crew
- Trained 40 new PWV recruits to identify, report, and treat five target noxious weed species.
- Held 20 weed pulls to treat noxious weeds at 23 locations in 9 different areas. Musk thistle, Houndstongue, Bull thistle, and Common mullein were treated on a total of 114 acres. Scotch thistle, Diffuse knapweed, and Common burdock were seen and treated at a few locations. Canada thistle was seen at many locations but not treated while Leafy spurge and Yellow toadflax were each seen at one location but not treated. Fourteen different PWVs participated in one or more weed pulls. Collectively, they volunteered a total of 479 hours on these weed pulls.
- Held two public weed pavilions; one at the North Fork trailhead (where a total of 42 people learned about noxious weeds – where they occur, the negative impacts they have on native ecosystems, and what PWV, Canyon Lakes Ranger District, and Larimer County are doing about them) and one at the Little Beaver Creek trailhead on Old Flowers Road.
PWV Restoration had a good year working on the trails.
- A total of over 1500 hours of volunteer time was devoted to work on trails. The crews did excellent work.
- Most of our effort was directed towards the Young Gulch Trail which we also worked extensively last year. This trail was totally destroyed by the 2013 flood and has been closed to the public since then. This year we completed two miles of new trail on Young Gulch but have another two miles to go.
- Two days of work was devoted to the Lion Gulch Trail with a high school aged crew from the Rocky Mountain Conservancy.
- PWV work crews spent several days building a bridge. This is now fully open to the public after three years of work by PWV.
- PWV has been working with the Wilderness Restoration Volunteers, the Overland Mountain Bike Club and Colorado Addicted Trailbuilders Society.
- We had one week of the Larimer County Youth Conservation Corps work with us and as usual they did an excellent job.
Affiliation Gatherings
Affiliation Gatherings are a social and educational event held on the second Monday of most every month. The events are open to the public as well as PWV members.
The Affiliation Gatherings this year drew 420 people including 70 potential new members.
This year’s presentations covered a fair amount of traveling starting with a photo tour of some of Northern Colorado Ghost Towns. Then we:
- Were entertained with tales and pictures of the Pacific Crest Trail
- Listened to the trials (bushwhacking time) and tribulations of three of our members backpacking all 4 of Canyon Lakes Wilderness Areas that covering 100 miles in 13 days
- Enjoyed the wonderment of the Galapagos Islands.
We also learned about snakes, mountain lions and butterflies. Those brave enough were able to handling some live snakes! Subsequently the speaker conducted a snake hike on Hewlett Gulch Trail that was attended by 30 members. Interestingly, on the snake hike, we met a gentleman who agreed to lead a butterfly hike later in the season. We learned a lot about capturing and releasing butterflies on that hike. Most participants preferred seeing butterflies instead of snakes! Hmm, the presentation about mountain lions and the picture of a mountain lion sprawled across the presenter’s lap would win over the butterflies.
We also had a talk on how to optimize wildfire risk and the relationship between humans and the ecosystem.
Endowment Fund
For the first time since inception, the Endowment Fund Committee made $1,800 available for grants this year. One grant application was received and $1,500 was awarded to the Restoration Committee.
The Endowment Committee held discussions with the Fund Development Committee about more collaboration in our fund-raising efforts. We should see more of this as we move forward.
The Endowment Fund currently has $69,500, well beyond our initial $50,000 goal. These funds are currently being managed by the Community Foundation of Northern Colorado.
We all mourn the recent passing of Judy Christensen, the force behind many of our successful fund-raising events. Judy was a past-Endowment Fund Committee chair, a tireless committee member, fund raiser, event coordinator, and a dedicated PWV volunteer. She is missed.
The committee intends to explore expanding the donor base to the general public and start promoting bequeaths and estate planning as part of our fundraising strategy.
As of the Nov 16, 2017, PWV Board of Directors meeting, the Endowment Fund Committee merged with the Fund Development Committee for fund raising and administrative efficiencies. Endowment and operating funds will be kept and managed separately. The combined committee will be looking for a new committee chair.
Each year the Recruiting Committee aims for a narrow target: good applicants, in numbers suitable to PWV’s training ability, well-informed about PWV, and ready to commit to at least 6 patrols and the other tasks to maintain the PWV organization.
The process begins in January with the opening of the on-line application and publicity about it; continues through February with informational Q&A Preview events about PWV; and concludes in March with applicant interviews. With 40-60 new applicants selected, their training can begin.
Throughout the year contacts for people interested in PWV flow to Recruiting, from activities like Public Outreach booth events, Meet-up hikes, affiliation meetings, and trail contacts.
Getting the message out to PWV members that recruiting is everyone’s responsibility is an important aspect of successful recruiting. The interactions of our volunteers on the trail and among their friends, sharing information about PWV, are among our most effective recruiting methods.
Our members’ one-on-one interactions on the trail and among friends reinforce the value of our mission, the caliber of our organization, and the quality of our membership, all of which are compelling recruiting messages.