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Winter patrols start January 13. Before heading out, take a look at this informative slide presentation by Gerry Cashman on almost all you need to know to be smart, warm and prepared! Click on Gerry's snowman to view the slide show.
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Mike Corbin PWV Chair 2020-2021 -- 2020 was a very difficult year for PWV with both COVID and the Cameron Peak Fire. PWV made it thru the year and even accomplished a good deal with the help of all of our members. We were able to patrol, clear trails of trees, perform trail work and accomplished many other tasks due to our members hard work.
This coming year will be interesting for all of us. COVID will still be with us and the forest will still be burned. PWV will be working to get back to our normal functions of patrolling the trails so that we support the Forest Service and educate the public. A major project will be helping the Forest Service restore the trails that have been damaged. The objective will be to ensure the trails are safe for the public so that they can be opened and allow everyone to once again get out into the forest. From what we know today about 20 of our trails have sustained damage; the Forest Service is still evaluating how bad the damage is and what will be needed to allow each trail to be opened.
PWV, along with the Forest Service and other non-profits such as Wildlands Restoration Volunteers and Rocky Mountain Conservancy will be involved in working to restore these trails. This will not be a one-year project but will require several years of effort to get all the trails safe and again opened to the public. PWV and the Forest Service are now working to get the resources and plans in place to be ready next spring to start work on the trails. Prior to us working on these trails the Forest Service has to ensure that they are safe for our volunteers. Currently there are plans to have trail crews from both Larimer County Youth Corps and Rocky Mountain Conservancy working with our volunteers. We also plan to have work days open to the public so that the public who is interested can also take part.
I am looking forward to a busy but productive year this coming year and hope you will all come and join us. We can’t promise that everything will go smoothly but I think I can promise it will be interesting.
Mike Corbin
Chair, PWV Board of Directors, 2020-2021
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Elaine Green PWV Chair 2019-2020 --
As usual, my tenure as PWV Chair started in October at the Year End Event/Annual Meeting, where we gathered to eat, drink, and celebrate the past year’s accomplishments of our organization and it’s new class of members. Little did I know that event, along with a couple of great Affiliation Gatherings, would be the last “usual” things about my time as Chair.
Yes, 2020 was an unprecedented year. We gathered in January for a roast/retirement party, to send off our beloved USFS liaison Kevin Cannon. Then in March we made the gut-renching decision to suspend all recruitment activities due to Covid. Soon thereafter we realized we would not be able to hold Kick off Night or Spring Training or any other training or social activities. The Board and several committees continued to meet, mostly virtually.
But most of us never saw other PWVs in person from then on. That was hard for a group as social as we are!
Our Board of Directors made a smooth transition from meeting in the Forest Service Conference room to meeting virtually, another first for PWV. The Board took on a number of issues from updating our written policies, operationalizing our Strategic Plan, to working on the problem of notifying PWVs in the field when an emergency such as the Cameron Peak Fire is creating dangerous conditions.
Read more: PWV's Most Recent Past Chair Looking Back at 2020