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It’s fun to see the trails in different seasons. Find a sunny or calm day — especially on a weekend or holiday — and the public will be out on our trails. Lets get out and enjoy the trails, too — with a purpose!
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Tom Adams PWV Chair 2018 - 2019
It is my distinct privilege to have been elected Chair of the Poudre Wilderness Volunteers’ Board of Directors for the 2018-19 season. I joined PWV in 2012 and have been very active in what I, and many others, consider to be the finest wilderness stewardship group in the nation. I especially enjoy working with enthusiastic new members. I have been an animal group leader (AGL) for five years and a mentor for six. AGLs lead a group of new members through the weekend of Spring Training in the mountains. Mentors take new members on their first couple of patrols to reinforce what they learned in Spring Training. I serve on the Strategic Planning and ad hoc Stock committees, and have attended the meetings of many other committees within the organization.
The success of PWV is attributed to the dedication of our volunteers who hike and ride with a purpose. Our accomplishments of previous years have been astonishing. Without our efforts, the trails in the Canyon Lakes Ranger District would be a trash-laden maze of fallen trees, noxious weeds, illegal campsites and fire rings, uneducated hikers, backpackers, trail riders and campers.
In addition to being stewards of our wild lands, we are making great strides in becoming a social as well as a service organization. Consult the PWV calendar and check your emails to be informed of all upcoming events. PWV will co-sponsor a Wilderness Volunteer Workshop for Rocky Mountain stewardship groups April 11-12, 2019.
We will be increasing our focus on retaining our current membership as well as recruiting dedicated new members, with an emphasis on those who patrol on horseback, as they have a unique impact on our forest visitors. We are also working on a strategic plan to guide PWV into the future.
A special thank you to all our Board and Advisory Board members and the many committees that make our organization function. We should all take pride in our many accomplishments and commit to continuing our service to the Canyon Lakes Ranger District.
Tom Adams
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Initial PWV videos produced and submitted to National Wilderness Stewardship Alliance as part of grant proposal commitment to NWSA. To view videos click on titles:
Completing videos appears to be a never ending process. As the Team refines the videos, the above links will be updated.
Pictured in photo is the Photo/Video Team at the PWV October 2018 Year End Event.
It was like Christmas in May. Thanks to an $9,500 grant from NWSA we had boxes to open, cameras to charge up and microphones to plug in. Members of the Photo Video Committee helped launch the effort to create videos at a box opening party for video equipment ordered for the grant.
We didn't know at that time that the party's euphoria would transform itself into frustration and criticism by ourselves and others as we learned what it takes to make good videos.
We learned by making mistakes. Like the time we traveled to Jack's Gulch only to discover that our memory cards were not in the cameras or discovering that a sound track was not recorded because a switch was in the wrong position on the camera.
Frustration was ever-present during the editing process when our computers shut down for no apparent reason, or the program froze up at a critical editing point. We are still learning.
We enjoyed the interaction with volunteers and the public as we recruited them along a trail for an interview. We look forward to creating more videos and hope we can meet you on the trail.
If you are interested in becoming involved with the Photo Video Committee let us know.